Musician's Friend: Stupid Deal of the Day

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sleeved Washer by Hendrix Drums

There are a lot of products out there that try to reduce tension rods from backing out and help tune a drum a little easier. Most of what is out there is either expensive, ugly, or both. I think I finally found the product that takes care of BOTH issues!

Introducing the Sleeved Washers by Hendrix Drums! These are plastic washers that fit on to your tension rods to help keep them in place. I know, I know, you’re thinking “big deal, there’s already products out there that do that.” You’re right but one of the cool things about these is that they’re small enough that if you use black one, you won’t really see them but what’s really cool is that they come in 16 different colors so if you want, you can use them to accent your drum as well!

I put these on my Medicine Man snare drum a couple weeks ago, recorded tensions with my handy dandy Tension Watch and didn’t touch the tension rods the entire time I was testing them. I played the crap out of that snare. I’m a heavy hitting metal drummer so I know the issues with tension rods backing out. The results? Today I took my tension Watch out and there was barely any change in tension! These things really work!
So, now that they work and are cosmetically pleasing what’s next? Price. I did a review a while back on a different product that does the same thing and even though it did a good job, the price was ridiculous. Well, the Sleeved Washers have taken care of that too. They come in three different quantities:
20 - $8.99
50 - $16.99
100 - $25.00

Those are some good prices in comparison!
If you are looking for a product to keep your tension rods from backing out or…hell, you just want to put something on your drum to subtly accent it, these are excellent for both jobs!
So make sure you check em out at and tell them PJ sent ya!

Until next time!